Why subscribe?

Okay, this is an important question and one that deserves an equally important answer. Which I am working on. Seriously, I’ve been writing for over 50 years, which makes me about 53, I started early. And during this time I’ve discovered that I don’t know everything, which was a relief actually because if I did, there wouldn’t be anything left to learn.

And I love to learn. About you, about me, about the world we live in. And then talk about it. This is why I created Say What?!

I enjoy perusing the political landscape and sharing my thoughts on why America’s political system and the old soap, “As the World Turns” have so much in common.

I enjoy diving into social media and then reflecting on what the hell just happened, using humor as a way of coping with an ever-changing world that’s always several steps ahead of me and laughing as I try to catch up.

And then there are the forays into satire and conjuring up a world, unlike the one we currently have, without it being too farfetched to not actually come true one day.

I like to think that my mind and my way of looking at the world, if not exactly unique, is odd enough to keep most of you laughing and in good spirits.

I’ll do my best to give you something interesting and I believe that’s worthy of a small commitment on your part. And it’s free. Such a deal.

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Be part of a community of people who share your interests. There’s also safety in numbers, which is not totally relevant, but it might be someday. Best to be prepared. 😊

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News, Analysis and Humor – From my head to yours


Writing since that first crayon fit neatly into my hand and working on it ever since.